Sunday, September 23, 2012

New Video Up!

Hey guys! I just uploaded a new video to YouTube. Let me know what yall think.

Love yall!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Hey you guys! I would like to know if there are any polls you'd like to see or be able to vote on. If any comment below. Don't forget to vote on this month's poll on your favorite makeup brand. Have fun!

Love yall!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Youtube Channel!

Hey guys just wanted to let yall know that I created a youtube channel. It will be linked in the tabs above.  My youtube is fashionfanatic77. I have also put up a new poll on your favorite makeup brand. Don't forget to vote! I hope yall like it.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wet N' Wild Lip Balm

Hey guys! So about a week ago I was at Walmart and saw this lip balm. I thought it was cute. I was looking at the flavors and they had cherry, watermelon, and rasberry. I picked the watermelon. I made on mistake on that because when you apply this product to your lips, your lips turn green. It makes you look like a martian. The cherry or rasberry one would've just made my lips a little more red, but I wasn't expecting the green tint. Anyway, here's the pic.

Love yall!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What's in my Purse?

Hey everyone! I have been wanting to do a What's in my Purse? post for a while. Today I have decided to do just that. First off, here's my purse. I got it at JCPenney for $30. It's a dark gray color and it's just the right size for me. The brand is SparrowTrue. I have not found this purse anywhere online, but it might be in stores. It also has an adjustable strap, but I use this purse as a crossbody bag.

I like to keep everything in little pouches in my purse. Sorry for the two side ways pictures. My camera was going crazy.


In the purple pouch with the gold polka dots, I keep candy in it. You never know when you'll need it.

For the leather maroon pouch, I keep little things that I might need. I also have two key chains on it.

Hair ties, bobby pins,and a barrette.

For this one, I just have one keychain. The other one came with the pouch. This keychain is a sea horse. I got it when I was a little girl at the aquarium. The seahorse's head actually moves.
 The rest of these are just extras. I have my manicure kit, with pieces missing. I have my Cabela's pocket knife. Sorry for the upside down picture.

And some gum. That's about it.

Sorry for the weird rotated pictures, again. Hope yall liked this post, and let me know if yall have any request. By the way, the new September horoscopes are up, as well as September's Upcoming Music Releases. Be sure to check those out. Also, this post is not sponsored in any way. Bye!

Love yall!