Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Alternatives to Eyelid Primer + Homemade Eyelid Primer

Hi dolls! So my issue I want to discuss today is oily eyelids. Oh my god, I'll put eyeshadow on and it'll crease and fade. I hate that. I really don't feel like paying horrific amounts of money to buy a eyelid primer. I know E.L.F. and other makeup brands have cheap primers, but I'd like to try out some other remedies than going out and buy more products. So I thought I'd find alternatives to eyelid primers.

There are few very known alternatives to eyelid primers. A few of the most common are concealers and foundations. Reading around on other blogs and from other makeup gurus and artist, I've heard of them using vaseline or pertroleum jelly. I don't think I'd try this because to me it seems to sticky, which is sort of the purpose, and thick. I think it will just look cakey with vaseline, but who knows. I might just have to try it. Also when using foundation and concealer, which I do all the time, is great way too. I never set it with a powder though. Many others have said that the powder sets the foundation and/or concealer, so I shall try that also. Next, I think this is pretty obvious to every girl who wears makeup. Using eye shade sticks (NYX Jumbo Eye Pencils) and I would think even eyeliner, along with cream eyeshadows are awesome. This gives you color and a nice base to start off with. Again, I have read many reviews and tips online and have found out that many makeup artist skip the primer all together and use cream eyeshadows instead. One very common one is the Maybelline Color Tattoo in "Too Cool". I am actually doing a review on one of Maybelline Color Tattoos soon, so keep a look out for that. Back to "Too Cool". Not only does this bright white base give you the satisfaction of keeping your shadows in place, but it helps your shadow show its true colors. The white makes the colors pop! I think that about all the alternatives to eyeshadow I have found.

Now you don't have to necessarily use alternative products as an eyelid primer, but you can make your own! Here's what you need:

- A container to put your concoction in
- A liquid foundation and/or concealer
- A body butter (preferably unscented)

You want to use equal parts of each product. I've heard that use want to use a true body butter and not lotion or moisturizer because the oil/moisturizer will make the eyeshadows slip right off.

Okay, I think that's about it for today's post. Hope yall enjoyed it and let me know what you think.

Love yall!

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